Rebekah Reads Books n' Stuff

author who LOVES to read. gimme romance. gimme erotica. gimme the goods.
Bound by Sunlight - K.B. Alan this story reminded me of X-Men, with sex. the start was pretty interesting because you're thrown into the middle of the story. the heroine has a spell put on her that keeps her from revealing certain truths about her captor, so as a reader you're finding out what's going on along with the hero. it was a little confusing at first, but i liked it because it was different from other romance i've read.the sexy times were hot and the end was very descriptive. i could see the final scenes really playing out in my mind.Kyriana was bad ass and stuck up for herself with the hero Connul at all the right moments. good stuff.(sorry this review sucks. i have a headache)

The Countess's Client

The Countess's Client - Alison Richardson Nice one handed read. I actually would have loved this as a full length novel. Off to read the next bit.

How to Tell a Lie (Truth & Lies, Book One)

How to Tell a Lie - Delphine Dryden I'm bummed because I loved the way this started. Ultimately it just wasn't for me. I never warmed to Allison. Her reason putting Seth off was kind of weak.So little of the story was about her AND Seth. I felt like I was reading more about her ex James and her relationship with her cousins and then Seth would pop up for the sex scenes. On a more personal level, sex scenes with food gross me out. :( Anywho, I'm going to check out a couple of Del's other books. This one just didn't click for me.
العرب الأصل والصورة - مصطفى الفقي loved this story. short sweet, but with enough meat to satisfy. Mason was freaking sexy as hell and Jada was completely loveable. Their backstory was exactly what i wanted in a smalltown romance. And Jada knew the struggle of being broke, broke, broke. AMEN! i can't wait to read another of Rochon's stories.

Lover at Last (Black Dagger Brotherhood Series #11)

Lover at Last - J.R. Ward i've never rubbed my face this many times while reading a book. ever. like ever. and ive read some stuff that's made me want to end it all lately. also this was one of the first reviews where i actually considered using gifs, but i'll spare you.short: this should have been called "There's very little meat in these gym mats." or "There's very little Blay in this paranormal romance which by all rights should be 50% Blay." long: okay here goes. i did not like this book, at all. i'll tell you the bits i did like, or at least what didn't make me want to throw my iPad out the window, and then i will go on at length about what i didn't like. EVERYTHING BELOW WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS! EVERYTHING! ALL OF IT! SPOILERS!really this is partially a review i should have written after Lover Unleashed, but i was so pissed i just left a short review and went about my business. i need to get this stuff off my chest now. the rating on this stands though.what i liked:Xcor and Layla: their angst was perfect. their longing was perfect. the set up for their conflict in future books was perfect. i might actually read the next book just to skim to their parts.the Brothers: they all popped up. it was nice to have all the boys back together in one way or another. the little bit of sex that Blay and Qhuinn actually had: the lead up to the sex was horrible. the aftermath? horrible. the actual sex? totally fine. it didn't blow my hair back, but i was afraid it was going to be really really really bad and it wasn't really bad. just lubeless.the reappearance of Qhuinn's brother: that actually added some plot to a book that was mostly set-ups for future books.Qhuinn's initiation: HE'S A BROTHER NOW! YAY!Blay coming out to his parents: it was sweet.the lovey dovey bit at the end: I actually wont spoil this. the very very very end is super cute and only slightly ruined by a horrible reference to Don't Stop Believing.what i didn't like: the plots: this book is not about Qhuinn and Blay. i repeat. this book is not about Qhuinn and Blay. it's about Qhuinn, Qhuinn and Layla, Qhuinn and his brother, Qhuinn and the brotherhood and then Qhuinn and Blay.if you are expecting anything close to what the couples in books 1-5 and 7 experienced, you'll be disappointed. otherwise you might just be psyched they end up together. i don't know.after all that, she's setting up a love story between Assail/Rehv part two and this new mercenary human woman named Sol Morte. FUCKING MORTE! this couple is basically Rehv and more feminine Xhex. i didn't like this because ive read it before. Assail is exactly like Rehv. GIMME MURHDER!!! GIVE HIM TO ME NOW! then she's setting up Layla and Xcor and Trez and im guessing, Selena.then there are the lessers and Xcor and the BoB. their scenes were just there and not really that interesting. people wanting Wrath dead, drug sales, sneaking around, tailing cars. oh and Qhuinn flies a plane, etc. the actual conflict: so with each book before either the Brother or his Shellan have an actual conflict, the best one being Zsadist as he was severely traumatized and literally needed to learn to love and accept physical contact from someone he was madly in love with. here's what happens in this book: Saxton and Blay break up. Blay doesn't tell Qhuinn until the last 10 pages. that's the problem. Qhuinn, who we have all known was at least bi, is also fighting the fact that he's not straight up until the very end, and Blay is afraid he'll want to keep their relationship in the closet. i think he would have come to terms with that way early on if Blay had just told him the truth. it was ridiculous. Neither of them really gets hurt, there's no kidnapping, no external threat. nothing. just some shit that could have been solved with one conversation.the 12 POVs: i counted. there are 12 POVs.QhuinnA black guy who would be a lesser if he didn't die.LaylaXcorAssailWrathMr.C - forelesserTrezSolaZypheriAmSaxtonfor what i think was meant to be a paranormal romance this was too many POVs. TOO DAMN MANY!the lack of actual romance: the first two times Qhuinn and Blay have sex it's after traumatic events dealing with people in Qhuinn's life. Layla is having a miscarriage for the first half of the book. Qhuinn's sad and MUST FUCK TO LIVE. Blay is pissed about it, but goes along with it anyway. Twice. all the while Qhuinn thinks he's still dating Saxton. the sex scenes are fine, but not romantic. im all for rough sex, but i expect a little romancing in books like this, but no. no romance. also no lube. they never refer to each other as "my this" or "my that" its "the fighter" and "the guy". Qhuinn is the fighter, Blay is the guy. I wanted them to give each other sweet vampire endearments like lellan or something. they also have undetailed anal sex. Qhuinn's dick is pierced and they don't use condoms or lube. that would kill Blay's ass. and she actually used words like "disengaged" and "retracted" when talking about Qhuinn pulling out of Blay. that is so unsexysexuality: the readers know Blay is gay. the readers know that Qhuinn is at least bisexual. this should not be something to be worked out at this point. Qhuinn also seems extra misogynistic in this book. and then they actually make some super stupid heteronormative joke at the end. gay couples are not trying to be straight couples. no one is the woman. when they get together they aren't confused about who is "in control". straight people, stop doing this. now. stop it. stop. just stop it.there's also all of this weird slut-shaming stuff. the word slut is used alot. some males can have sex with tons of people, and some can't. it makes no sense. if a woman sleeps with anyone she's not mated to? slut. Qhuinn is also hung up on his virginity that he supposedly gives to Blay when he bottoms for him. this made no sense to me what-so-ever. Qhuinn has fucked tons of people, tons of dudes. at this point he's already fucked Blay. he isn't a virgin just because he hasn't bottomed. nope nopeity nope nope nope. FURTHERMORE from all the talk of m/m vampire love being looked down upon in vampland, i know lesbian or bisexual female vampires don't even exist. forget other sexuality or genders in-between.also there's weird shit where the women knock on their doors all whisper soft and them men knock like MEN. ugh.Ward's obsession with class: i mean do i really need to explain this? it's just annoying. Women: okay, i get that this is a dude-centric series, but i have always hated how Ward did the women in her books. She totally clipped Payne's wings. she's such a punk compared to V, it's not even funny. every other Shellan mates and then just disappears, unless she's Jane, the most hated woman in the whole series. here's what really chapped my ass, every woman who is not a Shellan or Blay's mom is some horrible annoying slut, especially in Xcor, Assail and Trez's POVs. i understand that they are hot, but every single woman they interacted with has fake breasts, is drug addict, or a whore who instantly throws themselves at these dude's feet with the worst pick up lines ever. i love big tits. i love cleavage. i love sex workers. love 'em, but they are lower beings in these books. im tired of that. especially the vampire whore that is feeding all of these guys. if she takes money she's a horrible whorey whore, but if she's a Chosen feeding half of the brotherhood, then she's a female of worth. Eff that Ess. also the male vampires can smell pregnancies and the females can't. eff that ess.Layla's miscarriage/pregnancy: her young was about everything, but Layla and her young. it was about Qhuinn and Havers and then toward the end, Beth. yes, Beth. i was little annoyed with Beth at this point. the women in this house never hang out, but Beth attaches her ass to Layla in the hopes that her pregnancy hormones will jump start Beth's needing, 3 years early. WHAAAAT! the lack of Bella: there is so much hubb-bubb around Layla's pregnancy and no one, NO ONE goes to Bella to ask her advice. The only woman (besides Autumn who tried to kill Xhex in the womb) in the house who has carried a baby to term and they don't talk to her, at all. WTF.race/cultural appropriation/Trez's subplot: i'll be honest, i should have stopped reading this series the moment Ward introduced Trez and iAm. they are Moors aka black guys, Shadows that are a different breed of vampire. the have darker skin and shaved heads? yeah let's go with shaved heads. upon Ward's insistence that the vampires have no race, i have no idea why Rhage is blond with blue eyes and Trez and iAm are described as black vampires of a different breed. it also doesn't help that they "work for" Rehv, they look out for Xhex even though she's mated, and they have special powers that other vampires don't have. Magical negroes much. in this book we find out a few more things about them.1) they are from a tribe somewhere else. a tribe. i'm not sure if its in the Old Country, but i didn't get that. they are a peace loving, humble people with a matriarchal society, but deadly and cannibalistic. Trez and iAm are flesh eaters. if this isnt some National Geographic BS i don't know what is. 2) Rehv helped them get away from the tribe and that's why they work for him. they are actually in his debt.3)Trez is mated aka promised to the princess of the tribe, who he has never met and doesn't what to actually marry. here's where i start getting pissed. Wrath was promised to Marissa, sort of. V was supposed to be primale and Rehv was supposed to marry his half sister. V and Rehv at least tried to suck it up and follow through on those promises and Wrath just straight up bonded with someone else. Rehv gets a pass cause he had to marry his crazy sister, but V and Wrath never talked about these women in negative terms. Trez's perspective wife is a BITCH up and down a blue streak and there is no fucking way he is going back to live under her thumb. he avoids the priest who comes looking to bring him back. he's ready to run. a dead-beat nigga if ive ever read one. he fucks tons of humans(white women only) to make his body seem unworthy and then actually says he wishes he could get a human STD so he didn't have to marry the princess. what!!!! I am not here for that shit. assuming this woman is also a Moor/Shadow, im not trying to hear about how she's not shit and we haven't even met her yet. he's leaving her for white chosen anyway, so. yeah. i'm hoping that iAm falls in love with princess so the Brotherhood can have an alliance with with the Shadows. at this point i actually don't want to read Trez's book. i'm just not up for how Ward is gonna spin this. i mean she has two black guys running a Goth club and an Italian restaurant. HUUUH!Sol (Marisol) is Brazilian/Mexicana?, but she really does come off exactly like Xhex. there is one black human in the beginning of the book who is promptly killed. yeah. seriously, New York has never been this white.finally, i do not like that half of the vampires talk with Blackents. aka speak AAVE or ebonics. if you refuse to put actual black people in your stories, don't borrow our music or dress or slang and in some cases shit you think is our slang, but really isnt. i thought V was black in the first book. i really did. he's almost 400 years old and from Europe. why the fuck does he talk like that? why does everyone but some of the shellans and the chosen talk like that? why? if you want to leave brown and black people out, fine, but leave our components out of it too. honestly Butch is the only person in the Brotherhood who should have any slang in his speech and it would be Boston-southie type slang. ugh x10.sorry this was so long, but damn. this book was almost 600 pages. 90% of which was not about Qhuinn and Blay as a couple. i think Ward has really shifted their series over to Urban Fantasy. i don't know if i'll read the next book. i might actually go back and read Dark Lover. i miss the original couples.

Huddle with Me Tonight (Kimani Romance)

Huddle with Me Tonight - Farrah Rochon this story is exactly what i needed. super sweet hero who happens to a be a hunky football player, totally lovable heroine who happens to be an entertainment columnist with a Halle Berry haircut. both had understandable issues and back stories that didn't make me want to stab my eyes out. cute sex scenes that made me giggle. likable friends and family on the side. i will definitely read the next book in the series. also i didn't know that Harlequin even had this line. thanks Twitter.

Thin Ice - an Xcite Books collection of erotic short stories

Thin Ice - an Xcite Books collection of erotic short stories - Brighton Walsh;Elizabeth Coldwell;Lynn Lake;Zombie Ferguson;Maria Lloyd i have to say the cover and the title of this bad boy are crazy misleading. i thought this was going to be a collection of shorts about women banging hockey players. NOPE. well the first story was. anywhoodle.i gave:Thin Ice by Brighton Walsh 5 stars for a well done, complete short with a realistic build up and hot sexy times... with a hockey player.Stand 69 by Elizabeth Coldwell 2 stars for kinda of bizarre sex in a bizarre public place with a bizarre build up. Client Visit by Lynn Lake 2 stars for unrealistic f/f sex that jumped the shark just to get two women humping and language that suggested it was an story written specifically for the male fantasy of lesbian sex. also my least favorite kind of office sex. Picture of Lily by Zombie Ferguson for publishing under Zombie Ferguson. jk, the story was really hot. included office sex that was more believable and not sexual harassy.The Closet by Maria Lloyd 5 stars for super hot BDSM action with a Dom who was rich, but not crazy. thank god.i would definitely read more by Brighton Walsh, Zombie Ferguson and Maria Lloyd.
It's Just Sext (The Right Kind of Wrong, #1) - Felice Fox uh this story was freaking hot. i love when an author goes beyond the standard sex acts and really getting into intricate dirty deeds. it makes the sex feel so much more realistic. Lauren is an older woman having a long distance internet/text relationship with Marc, a younger guy who works on a cruise shop. they finally meet and have super duper hot sex. the writing is excellent and Fox taps into legit fears and hesitations when it comes to meeting someone who you might have built up in your head. im definitely going to read her other shorts and probably bug her to write something longer. :)

Bared to You (Crossfire Trilogy Series #1)

Bared to You - Sylvia Day short: this should have been called "GIRL! YOU ARE IN MUTHAFUCKIN DANGER! TAKE YOUR BI ROOMMATE AND RUN!"or better yet.UNAAACCEEEEEEPPTAABBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLE!!!!long: i am DONE reading books for science for a long time. A LONG FUCKING TIME. i wasn't going to read this because everyone was linking it to 50 Shades. i bought the book because Sylvia was coming to speak to our romance writers' group and FOR SCIENCE, i figured i should have some idea of her work before i leaned in close to hear her words of wisdom. she was freaking fabulous. her talk was great. i talked to her one and one and she was very encouraging. she joined a bunch of us for lunch. she's funny and all around lovely. and despite wanting to kill myself during and after this book i still love her to bits.that said...WHAT IN THE FUCK DID I JUST READ!?!?!?!?!?!?!? This entire book was a trigger for me. Sexual Harassment in the work place? CHECK. Gross Mismanagement by Friends and Loved Ones of a Sexual Abuse Survivor? Check. Being Stalked? CHEEEEEECK! i've said this once and i'll say it again. Gideon Cross is the kind of man who murders women and keeps their toes as trophies. i need someone to explain to me, slowly, how being hot and rich excuses psychotic, stalkerish, harassing, abusive behavior and how that behavior is attractive? PLEASE TELL ME. i was stalked by a hot guy in college. physically he was everything i wanted and he was fucking crazy and interacting with him was scary and i am so glad he never hurt me or any of my friends because he was crazy. Gideon Cross reminded me of that guy. could not get into it.AND ANOTHER THING!im back with this FUCKING IN THE WORK PLACE BULLSHIT!!!! i can never be okay with this. almost DNF'd this moment he opened his mouth after their first business meeting. everything he said to her in the Crossfire building made my skin crawl. it made Eva's skin crawl too, but somehow, SOMEHOW he won her over.i am all for people who have been through tough shit finding each other and helping each other even when times get rough. i am not for sex as a cure for all. i am not for a man who wants to control everything from your cellphone carrier to what you wear to workout to where you go to cry. NOPE NOPEITY NOPE NOPE!Gideon does something completely psycho and out of line. Eva calls him on it. they fight about. they fuck. everything is happy. rinse. repeat. for 335 pages. Gideon's behavior nearly made me physically ill at least 5 times in the book. i had to put it down. im not kidding. i finished because i adore Day's writing style. it sucks you in. the characters, all but Gideon, are different and intriguing. i wanted to know what would happen to them. and i was dying to know how Day was going to redeem this nut bag. it doesn't happen. he is pyscho right up to the very end. i mean, it pretty much ends on a cliffy.i am done with Gideon Cross. i might check out some of Day's paranormal stuff, but this book has me looking 8 kinds of sideways contemporary romance in general. keep your abusive dick bags. ill stick to my vampires and werewolves and black cowboys from the 1860's. i am done with the billionaire Dom. DOOOOOOONE!

Jacked Up (Fast Track Series)

Jacked Up - Erin McCarthy Loved Eve. It's was scary how much I could relate to her and her relationship with her family. Nolan was sweet and funny. I would have given it 5 stars, but the climax of the story was a little weak. Still a good time. :)

Beautiful Bastard

Beautiful Bastard - Christina Lauren let me lay out a few things. 1) i love fanfiction. i love twilight fanfiction. i used to read it and write it. 2) i am anti pull-to-publish and have been since before 50 Shades happened. feel free to ask me about my deeper feelings on the subject. 3) this review will be an objective review of the work and not some asshole-bitchfest about the authors cause that's just pointless. i read books by JR Ward and Diana Gabaldon religiously and i do not see eye to eye with either of them on a shitload of things. see: Diana Gabaldon's rage post on fanfiction even being a thing and JR Ward's misunderstanding of the word "Moor" and race in let me say WHY i read this since i am against pulling to publish. i read it for science. that's right, for science. ill explain. as fanficitons, i read The Office, most of JP Barnaby's fics (im in one of hers) and The Submissive. i didnt read MotU or 50 Shades because im not into BDSM as abuse. its not cute. i read all of these fics because they were about Bella and Edward (or Bella and Edward and Jasper) having sex and i wanted to read about Bella and Edward having sex. that's it. i might read the published version of The Submissive, i havent decided yet, but let me get to the science portion. fanfiction, like this one, is posted and written, chapter by chapter with massive reader feedback. beyond a few beta readers, that's not how a book is written. it's just not. so FOR SCIENCE, i wanted to see how Christina and Lauren turned this into a smooth erotic romance.Here are my findings:- there was no actual plot. ive read a lot of erotica and i think this is the most sex ive read in a single book. MAYBE Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty Books have the same amount. seriously, there is so much sex in this book. i hated the panty ripping in the fic and i hated it here, but that and some unrealistic dialogue aside, the sex was good.- portions of the beginning of the fanfic were gone, im guessing because the original co-author Kyla### wasn't a part of this book or it was trimmed down for word count/plot reasons. those portions, from what i remember, explained why Bella hated Edward in a way that made the hate fucking seem kind of reasonable and even a little funny. i say kind of because on no planet will you ever get me to cosign fucking your boss, let alone in your place of employment over and over. that lack of humor and sexual tension made the first sex scene look like something right out of a sexual harassment seminar, the DONT portion. Bennett is an actual dick. i was shocked by the way he talked to her in the first chapter. being good looking makes this okay. i guess. again there was no build or explanation.- why doesn't Bennett have a secretary? i've never met an intern in my life who replaced a secretary. actually there are a lot little things that ignore how a corporate office works including when the cleaning staff comes in.- Bennett fucks Miss. Mills in a white dress. he comes inside of her. he takes her underwear. she never cleans her crotch up and goes back to work. ill let you think about that. i know i did.- i'm calling her Miss Mills because at this point in the book i had forgotten her first name and in my head im actually calling her Bella.- i am reminded how important the white dress was in the fanfiction, but at this point in the book i had no idea what Miss Mills looked like. I just knew that she wore her hair down to work that day.- Condoms? what are those?- reading this chapter by chapter over some weeks is different than reading it in one sitting.- Miss Mills (im eventually reminded that her name is Chloe) seems to be okay with being called a bitch and a shrew, but has issue with less hostile references.- the phrase "Beautiful Bastard" is used a lot.- neither character has a distinct voice. most chapters i had to read to the second or third paragraph to figure out whose POV i was in. they are both funny and quick witted, but i couldn't tell them apart by their dialogue or their actions because everything, but the sex is summarized. - the conflict that arises at the end was annoying. Chloe seems to forget suddenly that she is just, in fact an intern, that Bennett is her boss and that no one else in the world of marketing cares about her feelings or their relationship.- end of the book i have no idea what Chloe looks like. I think she has brown hair. but i know every single thing she has ever worn to work. Bennett has hazel eyes and WILD hair and a big dick.taking all of this in, i cannot rate a review without comparing it to the fic. its impossible. had i just picked this up i would have DNF'd after the first sex scene or read through to the end and given it 1 star. there is no plot. but keeping the fic in mind and the fact that id already read a good portion of this story before, ill give the fic part of it 3 stars for an overall 2 star rating. i wont be reading the next book in the series, but i might check out their third book if its unrelated to these characters. weeeeeeeeee!***EDIT -- after some consideration, ive bumped this down to a 1 star based purely on the book. though i did like the fic for the most part, that was the fic and at the time it was written i gave Christina my positive feed back. my opinion of the fic stands as an "i liked it", however the book to me was not good.****I borrowed this book from a friend as I did not feel right paying for something that I had read 90% of for free**i read this for science*
Master Class - Cassandra Carr I'm torn between a rage review and no review at all, so ill just pros and cons this one. As i was reading I went from DNF to 3 stars to 2.Pros: if you're not familiar with BDSM, this story gives a clean play by play introduction. Nothing crazy or abusive happens in the BDSM scenes.- The sex for the most part is hot.Cons: Ryan and Lisette. I didn't care about either of them. The emotion in the blurb does not carry over to the story itself. - Some of the sex scenes were summarized and could have been skipped all together. I want to be drawn into a sex scene, but here you're told very plainly each sex act that is going down, sometimes by name. I want to read a 69, not just told they are 69ing.- Ryan pulls a major jerk move toward the end that totally pulled me out of the story. This is what bumped it down to a 2.
Held Captive by the Cavemen - Shoshanna Evers A short, sweet sex romp. (:

Waking Up Married

Waking Up Married - Mira Lyn Kelly short: this should have been called "You In Danger, Girl".long: i was totally in the mood for something light and a little cheesy and fun. i love cheesy rom coms. something with a title like Waking Up Married is usually right up my alley. I THOUGHT! this story would go something like this:woman wakes up married to a guy she met in vegas. they know they need to break up.he woooooooos's super's super cute.there's a montage.they realize they are meant to be together.they kiss.the end.THAT DIDN'T a nutshell, they get married. Megan wants to break it off because who wouldn't after marrying a stranger after being black out drunk, but oh no. Connor is not having that. he spends the entire book trying to force her to stay with him because they both want a family. and because he think she's hot. i understand the idea of a marriage of convenience, but to be honest Connor was just scary. every time he opened his mouth he said something manipulative and controlling. Megan who is super independent and smart and seriously doesnt need this dude AT ALL, fights him every time, but then caves seconds later for no reason other than the fact that he was hot? or had money and sperm she didn't need? he deliberately goes against her wishes more than once. he refuses to agree to very simple requests and then he goes nuts when she disobeys him. i am over emotionally abusive heroes. for other issue as with the writing itself. each scene seemed to be wordy with very little action. Connor thinks the same things over and over. also describing him as being "traditionally" handsome with traditional good looks rubbed me irky. as did the whole page where Megan reasons that he must be gay, because there's no way a man that attractive would want to be with her to have a baby. in 2013, hot, white, rich gay men have very little trouble acquiring babies. sorry. i really wanted to love this this book, but i found myself gritting my teeth and shaking my fist in the air all the way to the end.
Orchid Pink - Toni Sands Ugh this book. In the end I really liked it, but the middle was brutal. If your expecting a nice historical, erotic romp, THIS AINT IT.Adelaide was great, but the other players in this love square are just horrible. I almost cried at the height of the story, that's how shitty they were to each other. My biggest issue is that Adelaide didn't save herself. The people around her sort force the situation to its resolve.The sex scenes were great, the plot is very twisty and the dialogue is very well done. The end is a HEA, but I think it went on just a chapter too long. I would definitely recommend this book, but just prepare yourself for some highly uncomfortable tension.
A Firm Husband - Sue Lyndon This one wasn't for me. The scenes and character development were unbalanced and there was a great deal of telling and not showing. One moment there's a detailed spanking/sex scene and then a brief summary of a day or three. You get a description of Clara and William's hair and eye color, but everyone else is a human blank. I completely confused two male characters for a good six pages and had to go back to unscramble who was who. Also as a BDSM spanking story, I was expecting a little balance in Clara's character. Something that indicated that she was a grown woman submitting, but she read like a fourteen year old that ran away from home. Nothing happens (her cooking or doing anything remotely responsible) that gives you the idea that she is an adult. You find out that she's twenty-two eventually, but I honestly felt like I was reading about a teenage being punished by a much older man. The age regression aspect would have been fine, again, if there had been a scene where Clara acted like an adult but there isn't. I kept thinking of that scene from the remake of True Grit where Matt Damon is spanking Hailee Steinfeld.

Currently reading

The Boss: 1
Abigail Barnette
Progress: 75/353 pages
Spice and Smoke
Suleikha Snyder